Last Saturday both myself and James competed in the Seattle Open Hosted at Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington. 67 people showed though we had drops through out the day. My lists were:
List War Room Army
Skorne - Zaal2 ranged stealth
Theme: No Theme Selected 75 / 75 Army
Fuel Cache - Steamroller Objective
Zaal, The Ancestral Advocate - WB: +29
- Cyclops Shaman - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)
- Cyclops Raider - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Cyclops Raider - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
- Basilisk Krea - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 3)
Ancestral Guardian - PC: 5
Ancestral Guardian - PC: 5
Ancestral Guardian - PC: 5
Immortals - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15
- Extoller Advocate - PC: 4
- Extoller Advocate - PC: 4
Skorne - list 2
Judge Jury and Executioner
75 / 75 Army
Makeda & the Exalted Court - WB: +24
- Makeda & the Exalted Court (Cont.)
- Molik Karn - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)
- Basilisk Krea - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 5)
- Titan Gladiator - PC: 15
Immortals - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15
- Extoller Advocate - PC: 4
Praetorian Karax - Leader & 9 Grunts: 11
Venator Slingers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8
Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7
My Zaal2 list is an old stand by with a new twist. I like the ability to threaten just about anything, anywhere on the board with the Cyclops Raiders and Mage Sight. Krea is more there for the animus than the gun although it did come in handy in one game and makes me think I need get better with positioning of the krea, maybe play it a little more forward. Outside of that its a pretty standard zaal2 immortal spam list although I like the karax because they can get up the board faster, set the line and die to feed the zaal2 machine.
The Makeda3list is a bit more... experimental. I've only been playing her since the beginning of March. I really like her and see a lot of potential but I'm having trouble getting all the pieces together.
First Game:
Makeda Vs Butcher3
Apologies in advance because I can't remember everything in some of these list.
- Ruin
2 other heavies
Iron fang pikemen
Widowmaker unit
Kel bailoch
Saxon orrik
Widowmaker solos?
Gobber tinker
KhadorTurn 1
My opponent wins the roll to go first and I opt for the side that doesn't have a forest and rough terrain covering the deployment zone. He sets the IFP in a shieldwall with Saxxon Orrik of to the side to give pathfinder with butcher, his dogs and warjacks run up the board with Kell Bailoch taking out 2 slingers and the widowmakers takes out a bloodrunner or two.
Skorne Turn 1
Everything runs Makeda put Hand of Fate on Molik karn and drops 1.
Round 2
Khador turn 2
IFP walk up in shieldwall and take a few more bloodrunners off the table. butcher moves up and puts silence of death on the IFP and uses energizer so hes on 1. The rest of his army moves up.
Skorne turn 2
Hes left a big opening that karn can land in right in front of the butcher. Makeda upkeeps HoD. The slingers aim and hit butcher with a flare, here was my first mistake, always make sure your entire unit takes potshots, regardless of what their main objective for activating was, ESPECIALLY IF ITS THEIR WARCASTER AND YOU'RE GOING FOR THE ASSASSINATION. Its just prudence. the flare brings butcher down to Def 14 with his guard dog, who I wouldn't find out about til later because I don't play against Khador outside of tournaments.
So the gladiator rushes Karn, makeda feats, the PGBH enrage Karn and get B2B for prodding. Karn charges and sidesteps off an IFP and doesn't quite have the distance from sidestep and overtake to make it to Butcher3, so he takes a second attack on another IFP to get closer to butcher and make it into melee with the Butcher. Need 7's to hit, buy an attack and rolla 6, decide to future sight and do 10 damage. Butcher3 drops shunts 5 of that. Second attack rolls a 3 and final attack hits and leaves butcher on 1 box.
Round 3
Khador turn 3
Butcher gives one focus to Ruin and uses vengance and his destroyer to kill Molik Karn. Butcher charges a slinger and uses Impending Doom to get Makeda, a slinger, a couple of immortals and one of her exalted into range. Flashing blade, feat and buy attacks leaves Makeda on 1 with a dead gladiator and a krea with 3 boxes. Ruin comes up and finishes the job.
Man I love playing Makeda3, she can be very hit and miss but when she works, she works. Sadly this isnt a case of her working. I'm actually 2-4 for using her, over all, not in the tournament I need to figure out a good MAT fixer for her. This list tries to use the slingers and krea for it but not sure its working low RAT on both means boosting and aiming to hit. Outside of that I really need to practice more against Khador.
Game 2
Zaal2 vs pThags
Thagrosh in theme with free upkeeps and appiritions
-3x Carniveans
-Naga Nightlurker
birthing pot
2x forsaken
3man unit
I win the roll to go first, and my opponent chooses to take the side of the table with a big forest to hide behind. I set up with the plan of just running until I'm clear of the forest and water.
Round 1
Skorne Turn 1
I run everything and make it an average of 4 inches up the table on everything but the Karax who I positioned away from forests or rough terrain. Hopefully they'll get up the board and ty up things so the rest of my army can get where they need to go. Zaal walks and casts Aura of Power and Vision on Hakaar.
Legion Turn1
He runs everything up with the one of the Carniveans assaulting instead of running killing a couple of Karax. 1 Soul goes on each of the UAs for the Immortals. The 3 man unit walks up and one ice bolts another Karax. He sets up in the forest and Thags near his objective and moves the Scythean up. The pot trundles forward and his support moves around.
Round 2
Skorne Turn2
With a soul on the Immortals I can get them in the game. So they vengeance forward to get all the way out of the forest and then the first unit spends a soul to go incorporeal and charge the Scythean and one of the three carniveans. High rolls, Aura of Power, and a little help from an ancestral guardian allows them to take out the Scythean and a Carnivean. The second unit takes out a Carnivean and the 3 man unit. Zaal2 moves up and drops a mage sight on the immortals in the forest so I have LoS to Thags, throws out a sunder spirit to burn off some focus and pops feat. Cyclopes take some pot shots at the pot, I think I'm clever, and leaves it on one box.
Legion turn 2
Thags moves up and feats and starts clearing out and immortals popping clouds, he feats bringing back the Scythean and is sitting on no Fury. The pot makes a shredder and between the two of them they manage to take out 2 immortals. The Carnivean takes out a few more Immortals and the Scythean takes out a few more dropping about 7 total with their souls going to Zaal2
Round 3
Skorne Turn2
Zaal upkeeps Magesight, drops Aura of power and vision, takes a righteous vengeance movement. Immortals take their vengeance and put a bit of damage on Thags and then Zaal2 activates and charges Thagrosh, smacking him into the dirt with fury left to spare.
Zaal2 loves to see beast spam across the table, a very limited number of high quality attacks means that you will get bogged down with the Karax stopping your advance while fueling the Zaal2 soul train and setting up the counter punch from the incorporeal Immortals. Put the Ancestral guardians in strategic places so they can stop tramples and you have a good road block and 3rd wave from the Guardians and Hakaar.
With that I am 1-1 and in brighter spirits moving on to my next game.
Game 3
Zaal2 vs Issyria
Sentinels and UA
MHSF+ eyriss3
2x HRT
Agian I can't remember my opponents entire list This game was odd and a lot of fun. I get second and my opponent sets up with Issy behind Hyperion and the MHSF go in front. The dawn guard go off on the right side of the board to contest the flag. I set my immortals in a long line wanting to stay out of range of Hyperions sparklebusrt cannon. I put the shaman behind one unit off to my left, krea behind the karax on the right, and Zaal behind the middle unit with his 2 cyclops on his right looking to get a bead on Issyria. In retrospect I should have put the karax opposite of Hyperion since crit consume doesn't work on models with girded but I forgot and was more worried about the crit consume.
Round 1
Retribution Turn 1
Everything runs forward with the Sentinels angling for the flag and the MHSF and Hyperion getting into position to threaten my flag. Issyria puts IR on the sentinels and admonition on the chimera. There was a brief rules moment of whether or not the chimera can arc spells onto itself but the Warroom app settled it in his favor. With that he ends his turn.
Skorne Turn 1
Everything runs up with the ancestral guardian on the right taking the lead and the cyclopes running to get a better shot at Issyria.
Round 2
Retribution turn 2
Issyria upkeeps both spells and allocates no focus. MHSF and Hyperion put shots into the left unit of immortals taking out 3 of them and some karax. Giving me souls to spread where I need them. One goes on the unit of immortals that will get vengeance adn the others go on Hakaar to keep him from getting shot to death and to the far right ancestral guardian. Chimera walks up to range on both raiders and Issyria hits both of them with blinding light gimping them for a turn. Sentinels move up behind the chimera. HRT shoot one of my raiders to add insult to injury.
Skorne Turn 2
Righteous vengeance for Hakaar and vengeance gets both into charge range of Hyperion and one soul and a charge later dings up Hyperion pretty badly and a charge from Hakaar puts Hyperion on about half his boxes. One of the cyclops run to engage the chimera, He decides to admonition back and an ancestral guardian charges him and buys attacks until hes dead. Zaal moves forward into the cloud from fuel cache and feats.
Round 3
Retribution turn 3
Issyria loads up Hyperion and feats. She has to float into melee with Hakaar and an immortal to get blinding light onto Zaal2. Hits and then velocitys out of melee range with 1 focus. He opts to take the free strikes and the first does 10 damage and he drops that to 5. I roll hot on Hakaars free strike with a 16 and end the game.
Me and my opponent spoke after that and he said that he had been too focused on getting Hyperion to trample up to Zaal and hit him at straight dice. I think that Issy may have been fine where she was and Hyperion should have started sweeping and buying attacks to get some breathing room. but im unsure what I would have done if Hype had gotten to Zaal, two hits at straight dice under issys feat would have been bad for him. 2-1
Game 4
Makeda3 vs Elara
- Sphinx
Houseguard thane
Truthfully I don't remember much about this game ( I'll try to get batreps up within a couple days from now on) but Ill give you a quick rundown.
-He goes first
-we both run turn 1
-Second turn elara puts scything touch on a Halbredier, feats and they get desperate pace and charge Karn taking him and an exalted guardian out of the game.15" threat range! Elara sits on her flag.
I take 20 mins trying to figure out how to assassinate Elara before realizing that the soulless with the halbs messes up my plan. Still I'm stubborn, upkeep Hand of death, pop feat and charge a halb with Makeda, hit, blood boon the only 2 halbs within range of eliminator and only kill one,leaving me short and forcing me to buy another attack to get into melee with Elara. 2 attacks later I end my turn and Elaras 3 heavies knock Makeda down and kill her. 2-2
Rough game, after this anyone not 3-1 or better was cut and I head home for an early night and dinner with the wife. Check out My buddy James at MacDaddy Minis for more bat reps from someone who made it past the cut off point.
All in all a fun day, I gotta figure out some better Mak3 lists because she is a lot of fun. A bigger battlegroup to start. I'll have more Makeda3 dojoing in the future. Also this is my first blog post in a while so comments and feedback are appreciated.
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