The First Finger : Xerxis
The man himself, since this is made with a mk2 theme list in mind its fair to say it wouldn't be possible without him. Although it might now that we have, Inviolable Resolve on Zaadesh2 and Zaal1.... This list also covers up some of what has been my biggest weaknesses with X1, LoS. The wall of medium bases mean Xerxis gets a nice hiding place that just isn't possible with our Karax, and can sometimes become the job of a war beast that you may need to be doing something else. While the Krea is an option, and a good one, it clashes with some of the other things Xerxis offers.
Which brings us to the second reason this list can still work, his Tactician rule. In a 20" bubble around Xerxis Friendly Faction Warrior (FFW) models can ignore other FFW models when determining LoS and move through each other if they have enough movement to move completely through. This is huge for this list. Xerxis makes his troops work like a well oiled machine with Cetratii holding the front line and everyone else charging through them or shooting them and dragging them in or setting them on fire. All the while staying safe from reprisal. This also brings me back to the war beast option, specifically the Krea, you cant move through it which can mess up your order of activation by having to clear a hole for it. It's not always a problem but in a list like this a sliver of LoS where you don't want it can be very bad.
Finally we have his defensive capabilities, Defenders Ward and his feat. I call his feat defensive because the list has plenty damage in it with the number of weapon masters you can bring, so you will want to pop your feat to make your brick harder to kill. I mean if you get the chance then yea destroy the world and live the dream of rolling 5d6 on damage but more often then not your better served using it to keep people alive.
Which brings us to the second reason this list can still work, his Tactician rule. In a 20" bubble around Xerxis Friendly Faction Warrior (FFW) models can ignore other FFW models when determining LoS and move through each other if they have enough movement to move completely through. This is huge for this list. Xerxis makes his troops work like a well oiled machine with Cetratii holding the front line and everyone else charging through them or shooting them and dragging them in or setting them on fire. All the while staying safe from reprisal. This also brings me back to the war beast option, specifically the Krea, you cant move through it which can mess up your order of activation by having to clear a hole for it. It's not always a problem but in a list like this a sliver of LoS where you don't want it can be very bad.
Finally we have his defensive capabilities, Defenders Ward and his feat. I call his feat defensive because the list has plenty damage in it with the number of weapon masters you can bring, so you will want to pop your feat to make your brick harder to kill. I mean if you get the chance then yea destroy the world and live the dream of rolling 5d6 on damage but more often then not your better served using it to keep people alive.
The Second Finger: The Cetratii
The second most important part of this list is the Cetratii. With Tyrant Vorkesh you're looking at a 7 man unit of tough, steady medium bases that cant be targeted by spells to screen your entire army. With shield wall, an Agonizer and Defenders Ward they are all sitting at def 13 Arm 24. This makes it difficult for most things in the game to kill them in one go, with a pow 12 weapon master doing 2 damage on average on the charge and needing 8+ to hit because of Set Defense. They can take a surprising amount of punishment and still hit back. The downside to this is the fact that they are expensive, coming it at 24 points for a full unit with Vorkesh. Vorkesh also will usually be in the back until its time to break ranks. The Cetratii are also pretty slow, and can be kited very easily, though whether they will be taking a lot of damage is based on your opponents quality of shooting.
Finger the Third: Secondary Cataphract
Which brings us to the next part of this list. The none Cetratii Cataphracts of which we have 2 options. The Weaponmaster Arcuarii, or the Incindiarii, who set the world on fire in front of you. With the defensive stats being the same on both, it comes down to if you need the extra range, CRA, and carpet bombing ability that the Incindiarii offer. If you do make sure you get some good use out of it because the Arcuarii offer the option to drag models, and are weapon master on both the shot and their spear. They also hit harder than the Cetratii, making them a good second wave and helpful at clearing anything that tries to jam the Cetratii. Either way with each clocking in at 11 points for 4 models 2-3 is the max you'll want to take in your brick.
4: More Guns, Support and Other Models
After you fill your army with some medium bases, you're going to have points left over or your brick for these were going to look at some extra options for the list. PBH are an obvious choice. Thanks to Xerxis' tactician we have the option to use guns in our back line, where they can unload without fear of reprisal. A unit of Reivers with UA standing 3 medium bases back from the front line can still shoot anything almost 8" from your Cetratii, almost 12'' when you minifeat. Just enough to catch enemy models who dance outside the 10 inch threat of your Cetratii. Other options include the Ferox, because who doesn't like a 17" walking threat, or Swordsmen+UA, if you feel like you don't have enough dudes on the board and you really enjoy rolling 4 or 5 dice on the charge. Special mention must be made of the Tycom and Standard bearer and Saxon Orrik, who hand out pathfinder like its candy, which is nice because it allows Xerxis more options.
The Thumb: Beasts
Finally we come to the beasts. there are a lot of options but if you're really trying to make a fist type list you'll be using most of your points on units anyway. Lucky for us, Xerxis have a pretty decent WB point pool at 28 points. Enough for Tibbers and an Agonizer, which is what I'm going to suggest, Though the Archidon can be a decent choice because it gives Xerxis sprint and long leash mitigates his small control problems. The Despoiler is also nice for the free upkeep and does a surprising amount of damage with dark shroud, and everyone likes a arm debuff.
Making a Fist
This is my starting list, I have 2 games with it that Ill be posting later, I like the high armor it offers, and the amount of pathfinder, which I feel is one of the lists biggest problems. It hits hard, has great Scenario pressure and it amazingly difficult to remove. Walk forward 7 inches and have everything else pile in behind. You can also throw the Reivers out on a flank to threaten their caster, or their support, as the case may be. So far I'm 1-1 with this list but we will get to that in Part 2
Skorne Army - 75 / 75 points
(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Tiberion [22]
Tyrant Rhadeim [9]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [18]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Praetorian Ferox (max) [20]
Skorne Army - 74 / 75 points
(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Tiberion [22]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [18]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Cataphract Incindiarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Incindiarii (min) [11]
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [6]
Skorne Army - 75 / 75 points
(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Tiberion [22]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [18]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [6]
Venator Reivers (max) [15]
- Venator Reiver Officer & Standard [4]
(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Tiberion [22]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [18]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [6]
Venator Reivers (max) [15]
- Venator Reiver Officer & Standard [4]
This is my starting list, I have 2 games with it that Ill be posting later, I like the high armor it offers, and the amount of pathfinder, which I feel is one of the lists biggest problems. It hits hard, has great Scenario pressure and it amazingly difficult to remove. Walk forward 7 inches and have everything else pile in behind. You can also throw the Reivers out on a flank to threaten their caster, or their support, as the case may be. So far I'm 1-1 with this list but we will get to that in Part 2
Skorne Army - 75 / 75 points
(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Tiberion [22]
Tyrant Rhadeim [9]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [18]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Praetorian Ferox (max) [20]
This list is still more of a WIP, mainly because I fee like Rhadiem isn't needed, but that def 15 cats with dodge just can really tie up your opponent something fierce. Which means we need to drop a unit of Arcuarii, to fit in our support and switch Defenders Ward to the Cetratii later in the game when we might need that 3 Fury. Its a lot of points that you're counting on to tie up the opponent while your brick runs across the field, but I feel like it might be doable. Alternatively have them hang back and then on the second turn walk and jump 15 inches somewhere your opponent wasn't expecting.
Skorne Army - 74 / 75 points
(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Tiberion [22]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Arcuarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [18]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Cataphract Incindiarii (min) [11]
Cataphract Incindiarii (min) [11]
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [6]
The last list is closest to what the fist was like in Mk2 taking into account that we don't have FA: U on Cataphracts. Just a whole lot of beef. Walk forward, deviate some shots, set everything on fire and then charge , or take the charge. We still only have one unit of Cetratii, because with Vorkesh they make a decent wall anyway. Just park yourself in the scenario or on a flag and wait. (It's not actually that simple, but it kind of is.)
Ok that's it for this post, Please let me know your thoughts on this list and Ill be back in part 2 with actual game play.