Friday, June 9, 2017

Fists of Death Part 2! The Punchining

Battle Reports! 

X1 Vs Ghostfleet (CID)
My List 

Max Cetratii +CA
Min Arcuarii
Min Incindiarii
Max Reivers + UA
Tycom and Standard Bearer
Saxon Orrik 

So the first game is against Ghostfleet. Spooky Denny and her CID engine.  I win the roll and choose my side because I forgot that this list has more pathfinder than it will need, making all the pathfinder useless. I set up with my Incindiarii (played by the blank bases) in the middle of my Cetratii so I can close ranks on the shield wall while getting everything up the table.

He sets up some heavy duty spookiness

Round 1
He Sets up like shown above and runs everything crazy far while enjoying the fact that I only have a couple of sources of magic weapons. Xerxis gives the Cetratii the Push to the Limit Battle plan, Defenders Ward and charges the Wraith Engine. The Cetratii walk 7 inches in shield wall, coming base to base with the Objective and everyone piles in behind. 

The quite before the storm
Round 2
I don't remember If I feated at the bottom of last turn or this turn, The whole game gets kind of muddled. So the highlights are as follow. He walks forward charging some Blackbanes in who cant really do any damage but set a couple Cetratii on fire. He then spray a veantor with venom from an arcnode and kills like 6 of them because of how clumped they are and takes out the UA. I think this was also feat turn for him. He feated to counter the defensive part of my feat. Even still, With Vorkesh being well hidden he couldn't get parasite on the Cetratii, so Arm 24 withstood the brunt of his attacks. For my turn, I take out the banes that charged me and the fire either goes out or can't penetrate arm 22. On this scenario from the 2017 CID we can only score with warbeasts and warjacks or casters. With that in mind I use the Incindiarii to kill the arcnode in the left zone and Tibbers gets Lurched and walks to toe in on the right zone, while also trying to kill the arcnode on that side of the board. The Cetratii are jammed up and move around to kill stuff that has been thrown in front of them, same with the Arcuarii, some of them charging the Battle Engine. 

Round 3 
He clears a lane and goes for the assasination, with no arc nodes denny walks up andd casts scourge, targeting an Arcuarii to get it. Then CRAs with the riflemen and charges with the Wraith Engine. After all of the dust settles Xerxis is sitting on like 3 boxes. On my turn Xerxis Lurches Tibbers and then Tibbers tramples into melee with Denny and kills her.

You cant really see it but Denny is behind the Wraith engine and the Black proxy base is Tibbers trample position
Post game: Sacred ward Arm 22 against ghost fleet is kind of brutal. I didn't really mention the revenant crews because they couldn't do much. At dice -7 on the CRAs and more on the other attacks it was like having huge parts of your army just missing. That coupled with the fact that with scenario didn't have any scoring for units really gimped GF.

 Next Games are from a tournament I went to at Mox I took a variation of the above list and a Rasheth Winds list. First game was vs Fyanna2 Oracles, which I dislike a lot and am seeing everywhere.  But that's probably because of my lack of legion practice.

I win the roll to go first and take a very aggressive position on the board.  I find in general when you play against fast armies it helps, because it throws them off their alpha and it puts the player on his back foot mentally. He responds by spreading out so he can cover both zones.

I take out 2 warbeasts with some pretty hot dice,  while my opponent doesn't kill nearly as  much of my two units as he should have, really bad dice on his part. I also Feated which I feel was a mistake.
He charges in and eats most of the 2 units with 2 beasts a spray and some overtake. Fyanna feats and goes up to 3 CP
I Repulse the neraph, put carnivore on the Mammoth, enrage it and charge, not killing a single beast and missing most of my attacks which lets his beasts dodge out of the way. The Cannoner steps into the zone.  Not Pictured: The Brave Extoller who ran to contest the other zone
The extoller is shot and killed, the Mammoth is taken down by a PS 17 Armor piercing Angelius, cause dice +7 and Fyanna runs to the other zone to score the 2 needed to win. Rough game.
Next Game! X1 Vs Gunnbjorn

End of Turn 2 GunnBjorn went first, Pushed forward and I start building the Brick. A scatter kills both swamp gobbers. and Gunbjorn feats and gets in scoring position for 1 CP
I form my brick, Defenders ward on the Cetratii with the Reivers angling to pot some shots into Gunnbjorn next turn. Mountain King scream ineffectively.
Gunnbjorn gives up the flag rather than get in a shootout with the Reivers and Tibbers. By now I've wasted a bit of clock just dicking around. That and his defensive positioning really starts to wear on me.
I kill both shaman, most of his stone but cant secure the flag. With him having 5 mins of clock left and me at 43 secs. HE puts the whole dhunian knot into contest the flag and passes. I clock on the next turn.
The MK was a tough customer. It held the zone beautifully with the rock wall, and the ranged aspects of his list were just bad enough that I felt like i had to close faster than I wanted to. He also scored early and it threw me off. Had I taken it as a timer to try and kill the Mk in 2 turns I may have fared better but I took too aggressive of a position with the forest blocking me. I also didn't get Tibbers into the game until the very end... bad use of 22 points. All in all it wasn't a great game by me but a good game over all.

Ill have more X1 Battle reports later.